Sunday, June 3, 2018

irma the sha(wo)man (56/365b)

Today we had to say goodbye to the place our old kindergarten was. This sounds a little banal, but in fact it is a magical spot in the woods, and we have been there every weekday for a few years.

I couldn't both emcee and take pictures, so Brian did the honors with his cell phone. I'm going through kind of a photo apathy phase right now....

up janischhofweg one last time, picking wild strawberries and glockenblumen

explaining how we will throw flour into the fire and make wishes
rain rain rain on our fire. 
we sang songs, eva came (the kindergarten teacher who founded the thing but doesn't work there anymore at the new place, and who felix has an extra close relationship with even though he hasn't seen her in a long time) and was surprised to see that all the structures had already been taken down.

we sang songs and lit candles and went right home.

well, all except me, who went on to see the last set of some gypsy jazz band at the graslerei, a very smokey nonsmoking establishment.

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