Thursday, June 7, 2018

both old and new (60/365b)

caution, analogue photographer at work
(isolette ii)
spent hours and hours after picking this up from willhaben trying to get it to work. in fact, i pored over youtube and old manuals without any useful information for the actual problem i was having. i finally figured it out all on my own that there is one teeny mechanical flaw that is easily worked around, and now it works charmingly.

i would have film for it, but the place i walked into to get film thoroughly ignored me for over 5 straight minutes, even though i had my money and wallet in my hand, and then i left without film without so much as a response to my goodbye. i knew i should have left my invisibility cloak at home.

there were two mini rehearsals back to back. one was with 3 other violists for a very strange concert arrangment by garth knox of marin marais' la folia. the rehearsal was basically a gigantic viola joke. we moved the rehearsal to later at one of the violists' house, because the portier at the konservatory had scheduled us for the wrong day. then we came late, and got out our music and two of us had the same part (which means one of us had the wrong part) so the person whose house it was printed a new copy, namely of the exact same part we already had two of, so then she printed the right one. then another one of the violist stood in the wrong place (we are arranged 1, 2, 3, 4, so she had no excuse) and then when i had to leave early to get to my next rehearsal, i couldn't figure out how to open the door.

the other one was our quintet, meeting without sophia, and we ran through some new stuff. one was summertime, with a very strange viola solo in it, also a bit like a viola joke, very not-jazzy, if i play it correctly, it sounds like a classical musician who sounds uncomfortable with jazz.

when felix got home from kindergarten his hand was heavily bandaged. he had cut himself very deeply with his pocket knife trying to "schnitz" (whittle) a "log" ..... i can only imagine.

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