Monday, June 4, 2018

amandamonday (57/365b)

JUST before I had to leave, I got a text message from Elke asking if we could postpone for an hour, and JUST before I had to leave for that, I got a phone call from Amanda in Moscow (she's keeping her own blog of her travel adventures), so of course I caught up with her, and almost got to my thing late.

Lasted a long time because I am playing the Bridge Lament again with Bettina, so my lesson, Theodore's, a waiting time, and then Bettina's lesson. During my waiting time I went and got a coffee all by my lonesome and sat watching people. I didn't even try to be "productive" or write poetry or anything like that.

When i got home, I got to cuddle with Felix and ask him about his first day of the "new" kindergarten. No afternoon activities, and it just rained again, so we watched some R&H cinderella from the 1960s and chilled out.

and this evening? pilates to shake me to the core. Julia, the lady who taught my first few lindy hop classes, also teaches pilates, for swing dancers. in lieu of dancing i am taking her class, and today was my first time since my college pilates class, in which i am sure i took my core strength for granted, especially since i was training with morgan at the time, and he and i did 100-500 crunch sets as our workout warmups. maybe not the most efficient workout, but it was effective for some fun 19 year olds back in the day. not to be taken for granted now though.
because that's what we do these days, my selfie with the post-work-out glow

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