Wednesday, June 20, 2018

midsummer night's dream picnic (73/365b)

finished reading "der vorleser" by b. schlink today - it was so sad that i wept and wept tears into my morning coffee. i had been planning on finishing a whole bunch of work. still working on my prologue for Ysaye's Harmonies du Soir, and also trying to catch up on my "daily" (haha) blog, and also of course practicing, photo editing, and housekeeping.

last evening show for the midsummer night's dream that theodore is in. michi has been saying for a long time she wants to go, and nina got special 1st row seats, and kris got back from his job in south africa and came too, in spite of being tired enough that he nearly fell over.

right before i left for the opera i cut myself nice and deep into my thumb.
good thing henry was around to give me a band-aid.
during intermission we had a little champagne picnic. only one champagne glass had to be sacrified. i was impressed kris stayed (awake) for the entire show.

outside the front door. :)

theodore and i went home happily home together, although we hadn't had the best of goodbyes... he had noticed when we dropped him off at the bus stop that we had a letter with us to mail, and he had been saying for over a month that he wanted to add something to the envelope before we mailed it, but i had decided that it was finally time to just mail it, and send another separate envelope. i want to write more mail anyways. i hate having ideas of things to write to people and never doing it. anyways, he was upset, but had calmed down by the time i took him home. he felt "unsafe" sitting on the seat of my bike while i pedaled, so we just walked my bike home, and went to sleep way too late.

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