Thursday, August 31, 2017

sick day with star gazing success(144/365a)

Theodore pointed out it was our first day with canned goods. I just felt like not cooking so much, and I made up some kind of corn-flour dumpling, and threw them in some canned tomatoes that had been hiding under a table in the hut.

We never went down to the brook today, since Felix was feeling sick, and lay down in the sun for a rest, which ended up being several hours.... :(
pouvre petit Felix!
meanwhile plenty of hammering and sawing were happening

I got a terrible sunburn on my neck fiddling in the sun.
Then I got a terrible crick in my neck from staring up at the stars.
i might need umm... some... night-time photography practice

Finally success. The world's best book on learning about the stars is by H.A.Rey the creator of Curious George. But it is not just for kids. I can now find constellations and understand why the planets are found near constellations of the zodiac. I can read star charts. I can identify important stars.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Library for Irma (143/365a)

I've been *waiting* to get a chance to update my blog, and the library is finally open again.

Woke up really very late - after 9am! I did the laundry, and boiled potatoes, and hoed and weeded and watered.

We made an unbelievable styrian potato salad that was instantly gone. All stuff out of our garden. We started discussing plans for the future. Brian and I have been thinking of ways to get "ALL" the things in life all at once. nature. culture. friends. family. music. space. dancing. solitude. fiesta. languages. books. minimalism. exercise. etc.

Maybe we can recreate the life of the ox cart man but in a city somewhere. I don't know HOW! All I know is that my kids are wildly more inventive and less fight-y now than any other place/time.

Example. I cut the legs off my pants. In a normal situation those pants would have been already in the trash, but now they are shorts. But if I *had* made shorts, those pieces would have been trash. If timing was just right they might have become patches for somebody's favorite play-clothes. Here, however, only one of them has become:
*a kite tail
*a jacket for a stuffed animal
*a dress / flying suit for heart-bear
*a cover for a jar

all without prompting, and with none-to-minimal help. There's another one still left to make more things out of! It's enough to make me want to hermit myself forever. But then when would I get to play music?

Meanwhile we got to reenact a different story, caps for sale

you monkeys you, you better give me back my caps!
and i got to go to the library, pick up books, and blog.
something for everyone

theodore started devouring instantly

while i was gone, more projects happened (a lot more than these two little steamboats)

Monday, August 28, 2017

So Sleepy (142/365a)

Despite hours and hours of extra sleep, Brian and I both took extended hammock naps. We were just so sleepy. On Brian's side, after running 50km the day before I can understand it, but on mine? Perhaps it is just sympathy.

We did transplant several thimble-berry bushes. We walked a half-mile down the road with the wagon, dug them out, and brought them back. Then pumped gallons and gallons of water into a leaky hose, and decided to use buckets instead. One more project done!
on the way there

on the way back

I started reading a Graham Greene novel that I can't seem to put down! It's a special copy that I'm borrowing from my sister and can't get dirty, so no fire-side reading. I have to hide inside to read, and yet it's totally worth it. :)

Another early night. I think we are caching sleep for later??

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Race and Rock (141/365a)

Brian left before any of us got up of course.
fascinated by a caterpillar or inchworm that looks exactly like a stick

We lazed around, the kids and I played some music and then we headed to the Brook. Remember the rock that Drew didn't want to carry by himself? Well, Peter, Labeeby and I decided to carry it up. Peter was wearing big steel-toed work boots and Labeeby and I were barefoot. We decided to take a "shortcut" and sent him as the leader (carrying more of the weight) He walked us unsuspectingly through bogs, prickers, sticks, mossy rotten logs that gave way. Ouch, ouch, ouch!

We got back, made coffee for Papa for the road, packed the car (later we discovered we hadn't packed the coffee (oops!)) and waited for everyone to show up. Brian had finished the race!
congratulations brian on 50+km!

"The 12.5 km course has a varied trail surface. Two ascents and one long descent traverse the upland forest. These steep shaded trails have some roots, ruts, and stones. The trails in the upper meadows are mostly dirt, grass, rolling, and unshaded. The meadows are referred to as the Serengeti. Each lap’s 5 km of running in the Serengeti can make for a challenging summer ultra if Mother Nature offers a warm sunny day. The lake trails are shaded, have a few roots and are generally flat. Overall, the course lends itself to quick running without technical hikes." (X4)

Peter found him a beer left over from the party. We were tired from rock carrying, although not as tired as Brian from race-running. I didn't even properly say goodbye to my family, I basically fell asleep on the ground as the left. We experimented with letting the kids put themselves to sleep, and right at dusk, in they went, brushed their teeth (or tried to) put out their sleeping bags and said goodnight. Easy Peasy.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Happy Morning, Party Afternoon (140/365a)

My parents had snuck in last night, along with Peter and Labeeby!
Making a cello-chair for Henry
Labeeby and Henry doing math and drawing.
The wood is "Nessie" - a naturally curved log Drew found in the forest that acts as a sofa at the top of the geo-dome.

hair and makeup department
After getting all prettied up we headed to the party.

Part of the party
Uncle Peter driving the golf-cart
theodore playing ball with my dad

Our 91-year-young aunt
I'm pretty antisocial sometimes, and it happened that today I was content to "hide" in a corner of the kitchen and only talk to people who happened by. We stayed late: poor Brian - he's signed up to do a 50km trail race tomorrow, and he has to leave at 5am.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Doing Day(139/365a)

the last see-saw ride on the water-barrel see-saw. now it uses a giant rock as a pivot, which is much better

We have had no impetus of ANY KIND to do any of the things we wanted to do. I mean... i guess we could put a screen on the outhouse... or we could lay in the grass and soak up the sun. I mean... i guess we could fix the hole in the wall.... or we could sit by the fire and read. I mean.... i guess we could water the garden.... or we could eat watermelon by the brook. 

This applies even to wonderful things... I guess we could learn to do perspective drawing... or not. we could write poetry... or not. take pictures on film... or not. practice 9 hours a day... or not.

But my parents are coming, and I had promised them several things. So Drew gave us the extra push, and off we went, starting and finishing fun things all day. Brian and Drew brought up a stone for the doorstep (replacing one of slowly rotting wood)
before rock carrying
after rock carrying
i finally added the screen. Drew "inVENTed" a vent for the outhouse made with boards and ingenuity, a side of him I really admire.

And the best thing of all? Theodore and Henry worked together to create out of scrap pieces and creativity a "flying suit" (a stick propeller nailed to a piece of board and belted on with a piece of my old pant-legs) for Felix's heart bear.

working together
Drew left after a delicious meal made with rice-noodles left over from before Rainer moved to Thailand. It's fun to use up last little bits of things.

After the kids went to sleep we though we would stay up and wait for my parents. We walked through the soybean field and lay there to watch the stars, looking for constellations which we still can't spot. It was very romantic until we heard a really weird munching sound. It sounded strangely close but we couldn't see anything. We moved our headlight around until we found out what made the sound.... a soybean-eating skunk about 2 feet away from us. We left the romantic spot quickly but silently and were off to sleep before my parents arrived.

Drew decided to stay! Yay! (138/365a)

getting ready to go
Drew packed up in the morning... But then he didn't leave! Hooray. 
I went to town for a few necessities to use that chicken of the wood later. 
We spent the afternoon at the brook. And the evening on delicious soup. We made up new kids games, created see-saws, whittled, and philosophized.
napping with heart-bear
whittling and watermelon chopping
a natural chair.
a really whacky-colored caterpillar found on drew's hat
starting to carry the rock up the cliff. that's as far as he got.
before cooking

after cooking 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

mushroom hunting success! (137/365a)

night time view from the floor
We hiked around the woods mushroom hunting. Brian had an excellent eye - we would stand in a place looking around saying "I don't see anything" and he would stand there saying "hmm.. from here you can see 5 different mushrooms" Drew found an excellent chicken of the woods, which we affectionately called a "big yellow brain" ... Had delightful drew-stew (a sweet potato and kale from the food pantry combo using up some sour milk) for dinner. Really really yummy.

In the evening Brian and I snuggled by candlelight and Drew debated what day he should leave. Probably tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pouring rain, morning, noon and night (136/365a)

We slept outside so we woke up in the rain. It was so nice to have the dawn and the raindrops and feel like we're part of it.

After a morning breakfast/coffee fire we hiked down to the brook, and Drew and I took a long walk to the bridge and back. Drew got stung by a wasp. We found some chanterelles, and some cool berries. We got back ready to make pancakes. Created a beautiful fire of driftwood on the edge of the brook, and found we had forgotten a bowl to mix batter, but no matter. ;) --- We made a bowl out of a watermelon shell. The first panful was burned a little, but everyone was so hungry it didn't make any difference. The rest of them were actually perfect.

We heard thunder, and the kids ran away. Drew and I cleaned our stuff up and got completely soaked. Ran up the hill and everyone threw all their clothes out the door and we hid from the rain for a bit. I thought I might need to cook again, so I built a roaring fire in the rain, under a wet cardboard cover. By rain I mean really pouring pouring rain. But everyone was still full from pancakes, so we ended up just cuddling when the rain died down and the kids fell asleep on me. We big people had some snacks that Drew had brought. I love snacks. :)
more aww....

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Star-gazing failure (135/365a)

adorable astronomer husband.
We did fun things today, including building things and making clothes for stuffed animals out of pieces of old clothes. We got out the easel and painted. We also washed laundry, which is a long process over the fire. We played with smoke.
full of bugs in storage.

some of our creations
blurry dancing in the smoke

It was a very clear night, so we tried to "sight" the telescope, and look through it to see some stars. We didn't quite do it right.

I was practicing my fiddling when I heard a strange vehicle. Drew showed up! Too late to see the eclipse (which we had completely missed) although he had stopped at the side of the road and watched it through a colander.

We lay together three across in the field looking up trying to find cassiopeia and not succeeding. Oh well. It was lovely anyways and Brian and I fell asleep in the grass.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Fort Stanwix (134/365a)

Growing up going to Rome quite frequently and driving past Fort Stanwix every time and I never went. We decided to take the kids on a day that it was "rainy" and "not a weekend" ... so of course, here we are, on a Sunday with great weather. :)
Theodore with his duct-tape musket

My favorite thing was that we happened to be there as there were reenactors there - they had been there all weekend and were packing up. They were interesting to talk to - they make their uniforms themselves, and hire craftsmen to make recreations of things in the old fashioned way. The kids liked watching the canon being fired.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ithaca + bonus contra (133/365a)

Started the day with John Oliver and spray-paint. Then the farmer's market for lunch, then off with me.
"I know rustoleum."

As soon as I got back to Stringer Brook I turned around with the Brian and the Kids and headed to family contra. Loved dancing! Totally perfect day!
Can you find Irma in the sea of dancers?

Friday, August 18, 2017

Driving Day with Hammock Ending (132/365a)

Stalled all morning leaving the house. Finally got out the door, drove the wrong way, decided to get an inspection sticker, got un-rejected (they skipped the inspection and told us to come back later to avoid a RED-R sticker) got stuck in traffic, but kids were in a good mood.
happy and patient!

the erie canal playground complete with curious george that we've read 1000 times

Got to Stringer Brook, changed my clothes and left alone to Ithaca, initially thinking I would contra, but the 2 hour drive took nearly 3 hours. Found a CD that Nick had made me in college, with Linkin Park, David Grey, Simon and Garfunkel and many others. Fun to listen to old favorites. 

Spent the evening in the hammock, which was so comfortable I decided to spend the night in it despite worries of mosquitos. I made a little nest for myself and cuddled up comfy and so happy under the pergola and under the stars.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Concord Contra (131/365a)

I haven't been sleeping enough, so I really should go to sleep early today.
We spent the morning teaching Hugh some contra dance moves, all hands on deck, us, kids, labeeby.
We listened to some fiddle music. We said goodbye to Katelyn and Onkel Ludwig and sent them off on their long-weekend hike. - A vacation together - fancy!

The Wayside Inn called. One of the people working at the place had heard me sounding quite desperate for the Longfellow book so he brought in his personal copy for them to sell to me. It's coming in the mail and then Caroline and Angel can switch copies with my parents when it gets here.

Then I decided in favor of a late night. Contra in Concord was calling my name. The highlight was a double contra dance, where 2 couples progress together that the four of us did simultaneously. Really great calling by Tony Parkes, who's written books on calling, which Brian proceeded to order. Best basics teaching we've ever heard/seen. Also, "feet" was listed as an instrument for the band #fangirl (owen morrison with the figments)

double date!

gorgeous skies
high energy dance!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Scallops on the Wine Porch (130/365a)

Picture will be delivered later. My brother borrowed the camera for a hike.

I got a one-time fiddle lesson from Rohan up in idyllic New Hampshire. Learned a lot of styles and ornamentations. A lot of the time was spent talking, looking at youtube videos, and walking around the grounds enjoying the architecture of old barns. Fiddling is not as easy at it looks, but I knew that, that's why I asked for some pointers. I want to start a contra in Graz with Brian, but there are still some hurdles to clear.

When I got back, my mother had bought scallops "for me" because at some point I had said that while I was in the US I wanted to "try *one*" ... because they are finniky to serve, and we hadn't really eaten a meal all at once, I dictatored a little bit, and said 10pm sharp on the porch. We heated a gigantic pink salt block for hours in the oven. At the appointed time I counted out the correct number of scallops, and at 10pm sharp they were sizzling and brian was popping some champagne. It was an entirely decadent moment. We sang in 3 part harmony, canons, and old favorites, told stories, ranted about weddings, and enjoyed ourselves.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Caroline and Angel's Wedding (129/365a)

10 years ago, Angel and Caroline got married with only Caroline's parents in attendance, and for 10 years, Angel and Caroline have said they would have a wedding with wedding party later for family and friends. So on their exact 10 year anniversary (falling on a Tuesday) they did.

They celebrated at the Wayside Inn, the site of the night that inspired Longfellow to write his Tales. We just finished reading them and wrote a postlude of the thing for the wedding couple, who is now forever part of Wayside Inn history. Actually my father and I wrote it. My father gave me the big push to finish it, writing the structure and outline because I had gotten stymied by the process. Hours of printing and formatting and cutting. I wanted to glue it into the book, but the book was sold out (!!). I nearly cried. It's ok, Brian read it aloud to thunderous applause.

We decided against taking the kids.
Instead they stayed home with my parents
learning the rules of chess

ringing the wedding bells - 10 times
cake cutting with their cute kids
on the way back we passed the old mill next door and decided to sneak in afterhours for a long exposure shot. There was nothing to put the camera on other than the floodlight, and my camera was out of battery, but we got one.
aww.... people will say we're in love