Thursday, September 24, 2020

woman writes about woman writer (267/365d)

 I was going to be totally productive today, but I was a bit distracted by logistics, as happens at this time of year, I guess. I brought Felix to singschule, for example, carrying my laptop, and ended up standing outside talking to other moms for an hour, until Felix was done. 

I sent Felix home by himself on the bus. Felix waved to me from the window, and I waved back. The bus doors didn't close and the bus didn't leave. Then the bus driver came to the back of the bus and asked me if I was going to come with or not? When I told him that Felix was going on his own, he said, oh ok then, and went back to his seat and closed the door and rode away. I guess Felix just looks a bit small for his age. Theodore always went on his own at 6 (Felix is 7 now) and nobody ever asked him where his mother was or why he was alone.

Women edit Wikipedia evening tonight at Nina's work. She was so tired from work she didn't want to stay the whole time, but somehow she did. I created a new article about Friermood. (update from 1.10... it's been accepted! my first new wiki article on the english language wiki!) 

5 boys at bedtime

At bedtime, Edward read aloud from the wonderclock.

fully engaged

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