Sunday, September 6, 2020

Leonskaja the legend (249/365d)

Started the day with a lovely Thailand chat with Rainer and my kids, where he showed us all his newest tree-house additions. I climbed Jacobsleiter with Michi - my knee is feeling better - and it was a lovely time. 

Theodore spent most of his day in the basement building a car out of foraged license plates and some kind of stroller-wheels collected from the trash.

Brigitta picked me up pretty early to take me to the concert tonight. Leonskaja played beautifully, it was extremely inspiring to watch her make real music out of mozart. Corona meant that the audience was very small and very spread out - I felt like Leonskaja was playing directly to me. 

last minute of calm
it started pouring as i was taking this picture

Driving back in the rainstorm was an adventure: sheets of rain, back roads with 100kmh speed limits and no street lights. 

We celebrated our return with Brigitta's first G&T, and listening to Schulhoff and Wyschnegradsky.

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