Wednesday, September 9, 2020

sturm is back... next up, drang (252/365d)

Played tennis with felix this morning, and was going to watch barbara's kids, but her student cancelled, so she and her kids joined us. theodore and henry were busy canoeing with the asp people. i do not play tennis very well, not even against felix.

i brought felix to his sing-schule, and spent my time there in the herren garderobe editing pictures (there was an outlet there. when felix got out, he threw a mini tantrum that i wasn't *downstairs* waiting, but rather upstairs. i only figured out what the tantrum was about much later: so i explained that we need to improve communication... "what IS communication?" he asks, a few minutes later.

bought the things to make white russians - centa and irma both find cream and don't find kahlua. irma finds kaluha right before the store closes, but realizes i forgot about ice.  brian goes to get ice at five minutes before 10pm right before *that* store closes (taking note that STURM is back - summer is officially coming to an end)

on top of the to-watch pile.

Watched the Big Lebowski with Barbara, Jackie, Lukas, a masterpiece of a movie, but definitely not my style. I don't have to love everything.

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