Wednesday, September 23, 2020

poor judgment rain day (266/365d)

 I thought I was being efficient today, get away during judo to get the kids their year tickets for the city public transportation. i did that, and on the way out, ran into nina on her way out. we decided to mozy back together-ish, and got caught in a terrible rain storm with me unprepared to deal with it. i made a very poor choice to "wait it out" because it should have been a minute shower. but it took longer and ever longer and eventually when i thought it was too late for me to get there, i asked brian to get there by running. it was an extra bad call because actually the kids should have been picked up 15 minutes earlier than i even knew, and, even worse, i was geographically challenged.

well, they got soaked coming home. i got soaked too, because it didn't quite give up on me either. 

we warmed up and dried off, and joined caroline's pickwick club zoom meeting that she started last year in the us. we were there for the first time, listening to stories. afterwards we watched some cartoons.

I paid my four bits to see the high-diving act ...
...and I'm a-gonna see the high diving act

it was a very relaxing evening after a unnecessarily stressful rainy afternoon.

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