Wednesday, September 30, 2020

sad to wake up to the end of september, but it is a truly beautiful way to end september (273/365d)

 Absolutely gorgeous day today! everyone was at school, as normal. The sun was shining, everyone was in a great mood. After school I biked them to Judo, and I spent my hour waiting by climbing the schlossberg and then climbing the fig tree and gathering figs which I ate all by myself. I then took them to the ASP and then home in time for Caroline's Zoom Pickwick club, where all of my kids shared a story. They were not willingly written at all, but they were written. and Henry's included an illustration that he copied from one of my tiny doodles. I guess it was not a very good doodle, since he thought the house I made was a star. Although they had written under durress, I think they were quite proud to share their stories, and they were very happy to hear them read. I had Caroline start with Felix's story, because he was going to the next Madame Butterfly rehearsal and had to leave early. 

finding an orange on a fish hook.

Felix was picked up early because, due to an error, he hadn't really needed to be there. He had 3 bars of chocolate with him. His stage-father had asked what his favorite kind was and Felix told him 70%dark chocolate with orange. So it was. 

Only bad thing about the day was the very end, the very very end, watching the first presidential debate. it was soooo soooo soooo terrible.

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