Sunday, September 27, 2020

choir voices from above (270/365d)

Felix was sick this morning, so I didn't even try to convince him to come with us. It was hard enough to motivate myself or Henry to go to see Theodore sing in church this morning, but we did it. I'm so glad we did! Theodore even had some solos - i haven't even known that he had them, they were a surprise to me! It was strange to see everyone in masks, and see the chorus sing so far apart from one another. Theodore is the youngest and smallest in his new youth-choir, from grades 5-12, but he is such a dependable singer and had no problem standing at the front of the choir loft looking down over one of the largest churches in town.

We waited for Theodore to come out afterwards, and he just didn't come. Finally I looked out on the street, and there he was on the other side, having ice-cream with the rest of the choir. They had gone down a back way. We joined in the ice-cream extravaganza, and by the end the shade had caught up to us and we were shivering like crazy. 

post service research for edward's next video 
he's needs skulls for a flamenco music video
with theme of death that should not include crosses.

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