Friday, September 11, 2020

museum morning (254/365d)

 Brian took Felix to the dentist this morning and Nina and the rest of us met them at the museum downtown. It was a beautiful day outside but we didn't spend so many hours inside there. Nice to look at some art again, since the museum was closed for so long. But wearing a mask for a long time is not so fun.

Boring! (said Felix, at first)
My camera had no memory card
Dinner at home with Nina and Centa, then sing-schule and abenteuerspielplatz for the kids, leaving me with a bit of alone time. - good for things like reading Siddhartha - the newest reading project... i read the book and listen to the audio book at the same time, to make the german less difficult. 

Then Michi and Marko had us over for evening snacks on their balcony. Brian came an hour and a half after me because Felix still needed some snuggles and tender loving care. Stayed out a bit too late, but 

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