Thursday, September 3, 2020

second hand shopping is the best (246/365d)

Manuela had a work meeting early in the morning before it was time for them to head back to Germany. We said our goodbyes at Kalvarienberg right before the concert on the last day of Theodore's summer music camp.


chatting with people afterwards was very nice. there's even a family who just got back from 5 years in the US with whom our kids want to exchange books.

Manuela had left us croissants for when we got back, which we enjoyed for lunch, and then I took Henry clothes shopping. On the way we stopped to water plants for Barbara, and took a few minutes to enjoy her balcony and the view of the city. 

I took a nap at home and woke up disoriented... Centa was installing new bling-y lights for her tricycle.

 Briand and I wandered over to Jackie and Andi's late at night for a short chatty evening and saved a frog from being squashed by cars on the street on our way. Brian was the hero for daring to touch the huge slimy thing.

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