Saturday, September 19, 2020

checkmate against the computer (262/365d)

 We had planned on going roller-blading today, but sometimes plans don't work out. Instead some neighborhood kids stopped by to see Theodore (who is in Pöllau) and stayed for several hours to play with Henry and Felix. When they were getting a bit rambunctious, I had them cut apples for apple-sauce. That worked out pretty well to keep them entertained.

when the other kids had gone home, Henry and Felix entertained themselves with playing chess against the computer. (the board is one that rainer used to play with back in the old days) - felix's new trick, don't checkmate the king when you can, instead get as many pawns to the other side while the king has to keep moving one cell at a time.

...since the pawns are all queens

When us adults were still awake, Brian with an 11pm work meeting, and i worked on researching two women's authors that i used to love as a kid (jean kellogg and elisabeth friermood) 

Then Brian skyped with his parents and Centa and I tried out a mornington round/catch till midnight.

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