Saturday, September 26, 2020

movie afternoon (269/365d)

 Everyone was excited about our afternoon viewing of Doppelte Lottchen from 1950. We headed over to the Foerster house to watched, and were surprised to meeting them out walking... They were on their way over to us, so the upshot was we ended up here at home watching the movie with lots of arabic sweets. I made a fennel salad for Jacky that I have been intending to make for her for more than a year but I am always missing something or she is not around. Jacky and I didn't watch, we just played with Vito and talked. The kids loved the movie, which is essentially exactly the book. 

sunny dinner time
It was supposed to rain today but it was just absolutely gorgeous. It was a pity even to be inside for the movie but the kids seemed to like it and when the movie was over they hid upstairs in the dark playing games with balloons. We couldn't convince them to brave the sunshine.

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