Monday, September 7, 2020

mushroom hunting with kids (250/365d)

I have been so in the moods to be back to the woods, so I packed up my kids, called the Foersters, and we all headed to Andritz to hunt for mushrooms. I have never seen such VARIETY of fungi! I has been raining though. I saw kinds I have never seen. There were a few tasty edibles, that I took with us, but mostly we walked very slowly looking at the ground. Andi took the smallest kids home early, but we kept Ronja, and we hiked the long way around down Falkenweg (which was technically closed due to recent rock slides, but we stepped over the caution tape and chanced it anyways)

scientific name is Salamandra salamandra
how cute is that?

last ones "standing"
Spent much of the afternoon fighting and becoming angry with blogger, which has just updated to "new blogger" - changing things like timezones on previously published posts. Thanks new blogger!

under troubleshoot Blogger:
"suicide prevention resources"
i mean, I'm upset, but not *that* upset!

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