Monday, September 28, 2020

home not-sick (271/365d)

 So new-corona living has started for us. A few sniffles and a half a cough had both kids home from school, when last year the same symptoms wouldn't have even been a blip on anyone's radar. 

In the middle of the day, Henry suddenly jumped up energetically and said he wanted SALAD! It was supposedly because I told a story that included salad. We did story writing time for homeschool because we had to do SOMETHING. 

He really meant it about the salad. He made it himself, and then proceeded to make pizza from start to finish. When he's determined and (not too) hungry he can do anything.

After we finished writing stories I realized how much they need to learn about touch-typing so I gave them a program to learn a bit on.

learning to type very slowly


It was a perfectly wonderful day, despite the kids being "sick". We'll see who goes to school tomorrow.

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