Thursday, September 17, 2020

i leave things till the last minute even though i hate that (260/365d)

Brian and I sat on the porch stairs this morning with our beverages (coffee for me, tea for him) and admired the truly beautiful clouds. a raven came and settled on the roof across, seemingly posing for a photo. I got my camera, and he was gone. Brian went in to work, and I stubbornly sat there, waiting for the raven, but he came... nevermore.

i was bored of waiting...
theodore sees 2 of me
felix says he sees 3 of me

When it finally started pouring, I went in and worked on my music for Fabuli, finally choosing to record with a mandolin taking the place of the piano. Of course, playing the mandolin carries its own difficulties. Almost finished what I wanted to record before quartet (not quintet!) rehearsal for our wedding Sunday. At rehearsal, we heard from the national press-conference that after Sunday there would be more private parties with more than 10 people, so I guess this wedding is pretty much the last thing we will play for the foreseeable future.

Fabuli, sketches, musical sketches, instrument and microphone

Finished my recording when I got home, and went to Renate's, where we I showed her my recording draft, and then we meditated for nearly an entire hour. It was past my limit, I kind of gave up after 35 minutes. 

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