Thursday, September 10, 2020

new story club (253/365d)

Theodore met up with Abigail (my friend Alex's daughter from boston) online and together they started a story club. It was adorable to see them start shyly, without knowing anything, and then relatively quickly blossom out into complicated time-traveling story ideas. Next step: include Henry.

Walked through the city to get to sing-schule with Henry and Theodore. Henry was annoyed we got off the tram early - it was too crowded and stuffy for me - and walked instead. I picked up Felix and we walked back the longer-ish way, through the schlossberg tunnel.

My afternoon off while the kids were singing at the opera/playing at the asp I spent on updating my blog finally.

there are always outliers...

Brian initiated what he intends to turn into daily family meetings - he wants to aim for 5 minutes a day to give everyone a chance to describe their roses, thorns and general thoughts and needs. I think it's a good idea

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