Tuesday, September 8, 2020

what would you recommend? (251/365d)

All morning, that is, hours and hours, we went systematically through all the school stuff from last year (some of it has been lying around and/or on the floor all summer) and sorted out what could still be used this year, and made a final list of things that we would need to buy. 

Singschule started up for everyone today, and it was Felix's very first one. Henry and I brought him there, then he and I went shopping for the school stuff, which means I was carrying around this crazy bag of stuff everywhere. I picked up Felix and dropped him off at the asp and then met up with Pauli at the library, where I got some stuff out. He asked for book recommendations and movie recommendations, but didn't take a single thing I recommended. He asked for movie recommendations from a guy working there, and, although the guy recommended weird horror movies - not at all in line with what Pauli was looking for - he took every single recommended movie out. "I probably won't watch these..." he said.

Felix said he wanted a new Werkkoffer - case for his school crafting supplies. He thought his was ugly (it had a picture of a very anime looking fairy with purple hair, that he denies having insisted on last year) but I'm allergic to new stuff, so we made his old box into the very prettiest new box using vinyl sheeting that I got from the asp. I couldn't find it anywhere to buy myself - they they got theirs as donations from a shop that works on signs, posters and billboards. 

from above
from the side

Centa, Brian and I watched Captain Fantastic tonight - on the basis of several recommendations (including Pauli's) ... I must say, I see that there is a family in the woods that may remind people of ours, but we are not completely insane like the family depicted in the movie either....

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