Monday, September 21, 2020

very new words to a very old tune (264/365d)

 First lesson this school-year with Elke. It was very nice to see her again, but I just realized how much more I need to practice, and I really have been neglecting that.

Brian started using this thing called "end procrastination" - a new way of keeping track of things to do during the day. - making a flow-chart instead of a list. it seems that it is actually quite effective... 

Felix broke a mirror by throwing a chess piece in anger. We tried to explain that chess is not supposed to be an agressive game. He claimed *he* didn't break the mirror, the rook did.

ta-da! la-la!

I had time to go quick night-time shopping with Theodore to get a missing school note-book because my buffaloes rehearsal was cancelled again, because they haven't gotten the mixer to work yet. Only grocery stores are open after 6pm, so we went there. The first grocery store had no notebooks, so I bought a lot of flower bulbs instead. The second grocery store had them but only one kind, so there was no choice. Theodore pointed out that he had really not needed to be with me on a bike-ride through the dark just for that.

Centa composed new words to a catch by Lord Mornington, which we are convinced will be the next youtube sensation, as soon as we are able to sing it, and can record it. and then Centa rounded off the evening with baking a cake. She outlasts me, I'm fried.

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