Wednesday, September 16, 2020

digging in the dirt... (259/365d)

Ingrid from next door called me early in the morning to ask if we "needed dirt" ... she is digging up her yard to add insulation to her basement, and sent us over several wheelbarrows full of top-soil. Our wheelbarrow had potatoes growing in it, so we dumped those out before we collected the dirt from next door and added it to our garden.

still life:
potato. freshly dug.

Pauli and I hung out for an hour while the kids were at Judo - first biking around like mad, then at das gramm, then getting stood up trying to buy shoes from willhaben. After getting home again, I talked to the willhaben seller and he appologied for not being there, so I biked back again, and Pauli and I played a Bach tocatta with 4 hands (instead of the normal needed 2) while Brian did bath night. The shoes I brought back ended up being too small for Theodore anyways, but Henry is very happy for surprise new running shoes.

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