Friday, September 4, 2020

new books for all (247/365d)

 nina came over for coffee just as we were all getting ready to go to the book-fleamarket. generally, as far as variety and interest of books, it was a bit underwhelming but it was wonderful to watch the kids picking out and paying for their own books. 

they all ran ahead to go home while brian and i went to the farmer's market for dinner things.

while the kids were all at the asp playground centa, brian, nina and i watched the epic Russian Arc. It was nice to get done with a movie night right about when they got back from the playground. I then strong-armed everyone through nearly half an hour of Widmann's viola concerto, which was just really fun for me.

Also... with Theodore starting gymnasium (secondary school) soon, he needed a new backpack. It's my old college backpack, that I convinced him to decorate with pins. Centa had some in her arsenal and Theodore has several that he's amassed in the past few years.

decorating with the contents of the treasure box

final result

After bedtime, I had the luxury of a very long online talk with my Papa.

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