Tuesday, July 24, 2018

week day picnic (107/365b)

we went on a picnic with the zorns, we left as soon as felix got back from kindergarten....
lots to prepare

mostly we let the kids do whatever they felt like and we lazed around the way we felt like. i had brought a whole backpacking backpack full of lazy games, and we didn't get through a quarter of them.  the holls went to look at the castle a little inside. the kids chased peacocks and collected feathers, especially felix. they found a baby peacock too.
trying not to steal any soul with my selfie
playing set, rosa's "favorite" game ;)
three kids recording on *cassette tapes* on the hood of a car #notthe80s

it was quite a magical day, we left the park happy and stood in the parking lot chatting, Alois dodging cameras, and kids playing with the cassette recorder that artur had brought with him. suddenly, some misunderstanding and bargain between kids soured the mood and we left abruptly. they all needed a bath and some hugs, so we got them home and administered the Rx.

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