Wednesday, July 18, 2018

the san franciscans arrive! (101/365b)

Henry and I headed off "early early" this morning to get to the museum right at 10am. and when we were in the museum at the exhibition of portraits we found *Herbert von Karajan's lederhosen* .... for real. funny looking at them through the glass.

Henry had full attention for an hour and a half and then just as we got to some Kokoshka he decided it was time to go home. So we save the Kokoshka for another day.

it was mega clean up time at home while we awaited david and nita and kids' arrival. meanwhile the ice-lettuce was looking so pretty on the windowsill as i took a coffee break alone...
ice-lettuce flowering
the leaves look like they're covered with droplets

and then they arrived! we didn't stay up too late, except the youngest, manisha who played with me in the hallway putting her shoes on and taking them off and trying to leave with her backpack until 2am.

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