Saturday, July 28, 2018

lunar eclipse and austrian whiskeys (110/365b)

last day of kindergarten with felix's friends
ilvy graduating.
ronja same age as felix, going back next year
zorah starting next year, but shadowing this week

last day of kindergarten for felix this school year. they had a wonderful week, but i haven't really been around, since we have been preoccupied with guests and other kids.

in fact, instead of going to the last day parents meeting with crackers and champagne i went on a photo walk with david, and took him to my favorite cappucino place in graz. that was very nice.

tonight was the lunar eclipse - the funny thing is, as nina pointed out, we were 3 photographers with fancy cameras and not one of us even tried to take a photo. we were too out of it from all the whiskey :) - because today we also had a nice fancy austrian whiskey tasting. turns out nina DOES NOT like whiskey. also, we all agreed on the best one this time.

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