Saturday, July 14, 2018

saturday freedom (97/365b)

i didn't even unpack my camera today. all i did was clean the house calmly with the kids - the kind of cleaning that makes things look worse before it looks better.

feri and brian went on a man-speed-hike.
i organized sacks of clothes to give away and put together bags of generic recycling.

went with the kids to put them in the bins and was interrupted on the way by a stranger who asked if it was clothes for kids. it wasn't, but he asked if he could have the clothes anyway and i said sure. he walked with me to his house, and rang the doorbell and told me i could go give them to his wife. so i did. he kept walking in the direction he had been going already. his wife is 8mo pregnant, and there are 3 little kids, who are my kids' age +/- but much smaller. very little german, but very grateful for the clothes, which i would guess they'll probably sell.

we grilled in the afternoon using the hibachi grill, so yummy, we'll do that again soon!

nice calm relaxing evening, reading stories as late as possible, and we got theodore ready for his weeklong trip with the abenteuerspielplatz.

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