Friday, July 6, 2018

last day of school and more (89/365b)

absolutely the last day of school. one last elke lesson for me, and when i got home, theodore and henry were there beaming with pride with their all A's report cards.

spontaneous beard and hat donning

and also we made some beards and hats for our next video. originally we were just going to play dressed normally and make us smaller in post processing, but somebody said the word dwarf, and we all got to make hats. i made the beards out of craft stuff irmtraud had, and she made the hats, and barbara pinned them on. sophia was a blond dwarf, with a blond beard. we nearly cracked our ribs we were laughing so hard.

we got done recording everything much quicker than we thought we would, and so i went directly to the kindergarten party that i had "helped" plan before... it rained all day right up until the party started. we were wondering if anyone would come, whether we should cancel it, and whether it was a good idea at all, but it went off without a hitch, good food, and there was a real nice fire. no music though, which was sad, except somebody found some way of making salsa music at the very end.

henry and felix are stick-bread pros after last summer at stringer brook

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