Monday, July 16, 2018

39 steps x3 (99/365b)

it was so nice to get to spend the entire morning just with henry. it hasn't happened in so long. we had breakfast together. we biked to the library. and we found the modern art museum closed
reading his own library book!

i had no other plans for the evening, and nina was over, and we talked about our project to watch the 2 movies made from the book the 39steps, now that kris had finished the book. centa hadn't finished it yet, or even started it. after the kid's bedtime, centa read the last 60 pages in 40 minutes. very impressive. then we stayed up till 2am watching the two movies. well, "stayed up" meaning all of us had various methods with our falling asleepness. centa offered uninterrupted running commentary. kris offered us his eye-rest method. brian offered popcorn. (although we're all out of nutritional yeast, boo hoo!)

1 comment:

  1. ...Nina just fell asleep without offering anything ;)
