Wednesday, July 11, 2018

entertaining stress (94/365b)

well, we sure had fun this morning dressing up like we were joining a 20s bathing club, hats, etc. and facepainting ourselves so we can look real in black and white.
i was up super early despite the very late night, and went straight down to the beach with klaus to film my last piece (just me) of summertime. i wasn't thrilled with the results - something about a camera pointing at me and i forget all kinds of things. i think i'll do it again later.
not today though. we filmed for entertainer as long as possible, until the rain came, and then we went up to the restaurant and had some dinner. we are going for black and white silent film, and we make our lives difficult on purpose - one of our props is a 3square meter blow up flamingo. i really really hope we can get this done tomorrow, our last full day.

tonight was another football (soccer) match, which i didn't have to watch, i just edited more videos while everyone else had drinks. barbara was over the moon the croatia won, with an ueberzeugung i probably will never get.
at a fancy restaurant in my bathing suit (actually centa's bathing suit that she graciously lent me)
a beach cover-up
and barefoot.

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