Sunday, July 8, 2018

summertime filming (91/365b)

little froggy on a cello ...awww...

spent the whole day on summertime filming, even though i only wanted to film in the early morning and the late evening, for the light. the rest of the day i was thinking about the score, and where and how to film. i was a little bit nervous to say the least, but i think all the things i needed worked out in the end. although the tripod i was using (and absolutely needed, taking hand held manually focused video with me in the frame) kept falling apart, plastic pieces breaking off, and things coming unscrewed...

i'm excited to see the result, but that will have to wait. we have a 5am wakeup and 6am leaving, because we have a gig tomorrow morning back in graz. it's fun to live the gigging/roadie lifestyle for a little change of pace.

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