Saturday, July 28, 2018

kaiserschmarn for 11 (111/365b)

centa adds the essential dusting of powdered sugar
so so very hot here. i got out the kiddie inflatable pool for the first time. it was an ungift from mary's in-laws, and it's teeny tiny but it was at least a respite from the heat if one put one's little feet in. also, i don't know why i thought making kaiserschmarn in 99degree heat would be a good idea, but somehow, it was. fluffy sweet dinner outside for all, happy kids mean happy everyone else.

the adults traded dinner off in shifts... nina invited us, and i took the "first shift" with kids - watching chitty chitty bang bang and various other bedtime things.

when brian got back, i left, and got to learn how to play clock solitaire from kris, and have all the delicious dinner in speed form. david and nita and centa stayed for a little while longer, and the chatting was nice. brian came to pick me up and maybe to make doubly sure that our night was nice and long.
foot still has to stay up. 

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