Tuesday, July 17, 2018

quit your bellyaching (100/365b)

did feel a little bellyachey today, but that makes sense, since that's what staying up late can do to you. i had promised henry that i would take him to the museum, but changed my mind at the last minute and we went hiking instead, specifically mushroom hunting. we found tons and tons of mushrooms, none edible, except for the one steinpilz i found. i was a little confused about it. they are supposedly typically short and squat with wide caps but this one was thin and long and had a tiny cap. it was 100% bolete so i wasn't *that* worried. when i looked it up, i found out that apparently fungi can suffer from viruses and that many steinpilze in this area and in italy suffer from a virus that makes their fruiting bodies long and skinny and have abnormally small caps. who knew? it was so yummy! felix made pizza, which took a long time since he was just starting when we got home. then we cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned in anticipation of our very terrific visitors we are having tomorrow! hooray!

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