Thursday, July 12, 2018

and the work ends... (95/365b)

man did we have fun filming this morning, although it was way way way too cold for our bathing suits. at least we didn't have to go in the water. while we were down there we noticed people stopping to stare at us and our shenanigans, we waved at them and most of them walked on, except for one couple who stood there and stared at us, and stared at us, and watched us do take after take. and then when we went to adjust the camera i figured out why - they knew us! it was anselm, the guy who did a lot of the arrangements we play, who just happened to be on vacation here too, right now. we invited him to dinner....

us being super crazy on purpose
found on the way back

...and what a dinner that was! i quickly rerecorded some summer time things, i traded an afternoon run for a gin and tonic (that is, i skipped jogging because of the gin) and sophia cooked - no small feat - barbara no carbs, me no meat, sophia no cheese, klaus no many veggies. and then amazing conversation with all of us, including a terrific moment when we got out der dressierte mann to read aloud. again up way too late, and i am apparently a lightweight at 3000ft.

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