Saturday, July 7, 2018

off to the weissen see (90/365b)

weissensee means white lake (the color it has on the edges when viewed from above. it is in carinthia, a province of austria, in the foothills of the alps. we are renting a house quite near the lake with views of the mountains and woods all around. lots of bird chirping and wild flowers.

if you misspronounce it (which brian and i had fun doing), it can mean other things:
weisensee - the lake for the wise
weizensee - the wheat lake
waisensee - orphan lake

to get here, i first had to pack, which was none too easy. it's fine to pack for myself generally, but i had to pack for 3 different costume possibilities because we're making a video, and for a gig in graz that we will have to spend one day driving back for. plus lots of random props. brian helped me quite a bit in getting ready, but i left without breakfast or coffee.

we drove off together - we needed two cars, one was nearly entirely full with a double bass and 2 celli (one to practice on and one to stand in in the videos)

off we go, documented entirely by barbara.
my camera is somewhere under all the other luggage

arrival, dinner, tour of the area, and relaxing.... the only news is that i get to shoot the video for summertime all by myself. excited and nervous.

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