Sunday, July 15, 2018

first world problems (98/365b)

snuggles on the lawn
the last 5 minutes of the finale of the world cup
felix's new card game: go fish...
with 1 A, 2 2's, 3 3's ... and 10 10's...
completely different strategies

working on his poker face

from these pictures it's easy to see how wonderful our day was. we made a card game. we saw theodore off to a fun trip away for the week. we watched soccer. we cleaned up the house some more. we sang songs.

i organized some kids clothes so that we could give them to the family i met yesterday. henry and felix reminded me that i had promised to stay longer this time. so i did. the kids were off on their own, all 6 of them. the 3 kids there had a homemade cage with a sparrow or finch or chickadee in it. they played soccer indoors. they shouted. meanwhile, the parents and i sat and drank syrian coffee. it tasted delicious, but i had a hard time drinking it, because i was listening to them talk. they showed pictures of their neighborhood in aleppo, bombed out of recognition. they explained that her entire family was dead. they asked me what i thought of trump. //shudder

although the stories and images were horrible, i had a hard time ignoring the surreal side of the situation. the language barriers. the fact that they asked me what kind of music i listened to, and i told them the first thing that came to mind, scott joplin, so we sat talking about the state of syria, listening to ragtime piano music, with a guy whose shirt was spattered with red paint and stated in large print letters: "DON'T WORRY, IT'S NOT MY BLOOD." ... he told me he knew some nice "amreekans"... then he showed me videos of the lights of new york at night, and said amreeka was very beautiful. why didn't they let aleppo stay beautiful? 

ah, poor first world me, i was sad for the rest of the day. 

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