Monday, July 2, 2018

a night to remember... (85/365b)

took my viola to the luthier to look at a little crack that i noticed late last night that kept me up with anxiety until way too late. i biked all over the place today. back and forth everywhere. probably 50km just in and around the city. it felt good, but i was tired before i even started. 

kids started their last week of school, where they don't have homework, they don't even need their schoolbags anymore. theodore had his last elke lesson for the school year, and we went and got icecream with her. the conservatory teachers used to all take their kids for icecream, but then rules got in the way, and now teachers can't leave the house with students, so an icecream place from the city sets up shop in the lobby for the last week and sells icecream inside. theodore and i had a nice chatty walk home. 

supposedly i was supposed to help plan the summer festival for the kindergarten at the foersters, but mostly we just grilled some food, i ate, and then i left. also, i have other stuff on the day of the party so i won't even be there. not a very good organizer am i.

me and nina

the three concertizers
the evening had a spectacular concert in store. unbelievable.

i missed pilates to go to m's concert, and walked i home. waited 26minutes for the 26tram, and got home well after midnight. :(

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