Tuesday, July 10, 2018

building a dwarf city in the rain (93/365b)

look at those cute little dwarf musicians

only a few days ago we dressed up as dwarfs, and this morning we went for a hike to a little dwarf village and helped build some little houses out of pine cones for our dwarfs to play in. as soon as we were there it started to threaten rain, then it drizzled, and right as we packed up it started to pour.

irmtraud found some eierschwammerln in the woods, and we stayed indoors and cooked during the rain. we didn't get to do any more filming today, but klaus and i computerized and put together a rough draft of summertime and worked through the first ideas for our last video, staying up till almost 2am, in spite of headaches, just out of shared curiosity to see how it would turn out. :)

i did accidentally knock over the hard drive that had all our data on it, and the light went out and then the thing never worked again, but thankfully all the data was backed up somewhere else that we could access, and work went right on.

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