Thursday, July 26, 2018

court jester (108/365b)

all day we spent outside, it was just so gorgeous! 

it didn't start out that way though. it was kind of humid and wetish from last night's rain, and brian had invited kurt and his family, and we were originally worried there would be no way to spend time outside. by the time i finished making dinner and a cake they were already leaving. 

somebody said we should grill and so we did. in between nina caught david and nita and me at the ice-cream shop trying to have a fancy ice-cream. (so i could make dinner not already starving, which is always good.) we stole her home, to our grill party. we stole kris too, who got dropped off from the hospital with a freshly operated foot.
playing chess in 2018
mit schlag
pants on fire!
best bokeh
four ladies playing snakes and ladders

crazy eights with the invalid

too bad there was no photo of what happened next. centa came over with two frenchmen who had been chosen months ago to play at karo's wedding with her. she on violin and they on guitars. we spent ever so long finding appropriate tabs for the pieces that were chosen that worked with violin. upon arrival today, centa discovered that they neither read tabs, nor had the printed out the second piece because they thought it was the same as the first. they had practiced chords to the first piece from a version on the internet which was in a completely different key. i wrote out chords on centa's violin part, and beat time until it started to rain and then sent them into the basement to play it through 15 times in a row. let's just say i had to show them what an a7 was. by the end it was sounding pretty good!

meanwhile nina and brian were long gone watching a movie on the murinsel in the rain. and we moved inside to watch a movie on our own, the court jester, which happens to be funny for all ages and backgrounds. even the littlest remained glued to her seat, occasionally cooing "baaaby"

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