Friday, July 13, 2018

your house is on FI-re (96/365b)

home again home again jiggity-jig
ladybug ladybug fly away home
mixing metaphors

we started the day with a celebratory "hike": we took the chair lift up, ate a gigantic amount of kaiserschmarrn, and then walked slowly down....
weissensee from above - from this perspective it becomes clear where the name comes from

the start of the alps

the long ride home, and a teary goodbye to sophia.

i met feri, a FIRE guy that is staying with us, visiting from vienna. brian had organized a meetup for financial independence, so after i got my time of sleeping in the attic after reading bedtime stories, i went down and joined the 4 guys, all strangers, sitting around the table talking about money. one of them one a pilot named patrick, who was fascinating to listen to because it sounded exactly like i was listening to myself talk. he had very similar philosophical and social observations to me.

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