Monday, July 30, 2018

teary goodbye to the holls (113/365b)

at this point david and i were used to the judgmental looks of people who thought we were a couple with six little kids.
all morning packing. michi came by for a surprise hello, and we had some good coffee, but the english and german language wires got quite crossed. the kids were all in a bad mood, i think they were all a bit sad about the parting, so they were taking it out on each other. we made a mega fast meal to share with everyone, and then we walked in the sweltering heat to the hauptplatz for ice-cream (theodore's idea, because he had a gift certificate he wanted to use/share, but then he forgot it) .... the ice cream melted all over everyone. manisha slept on top of the suitcases, and we had to keep moving the suitcases to keep her out of the sun. then we trammed to the train station, and made faces through the window until they rolled away out of sight.

then to the hauptplatz again for some cool street theater. first a very terrific puppet theater we had already seen, but everyone wanted to see again. michi and marco were there too. then to das gramm for some peaches for dinner. then to a new-orleans pop up band with dancers. somehow, felix fell asleep in the front row of that racket, and we carried him all the way home. nobody in this house has been asleep before 10pm in days, and now felix was completely out.

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