performing surgery on himself |
felix is one that would rather remove a splinter or a tick himself than let an adult do it, although when he had the tick in his eye, he was very brave and let us carefully and slowly remove it. he also would rather put on his own bandaids, and measure out his own medicine. that's just the kind of kid he is.
so when i awoke, he was at the side of my bed, carefully unwrapping his bandage, checking his wound, cleaning it, and then after i gave him a new bandage, he unwrapped that one so that he could wind it "better." the wound is not that horrible, but very deep, and i just am worried about it opening again or getting infected - better safe than sorry.
he did stay home from kindergarten though, and we had just a calm friday morning with a nina visit and some garden work.
the evening though! it was pouring rain when i went to my gig at the dom (the big cathedral on the hill in the heart of town) which turned out to be a non-gig, since i apparently had never sent the text message to confirm i would play and they had gone on to hire a second person in my stead. back again, completely drenched, to find centa in her fancy clothes going out to the ball that i had said i might or might not make it to because of my gig. so off i go to change into something else. more pouring down rain.
isabella, the theology student that i met at an art gallery a few months ago, also invited me to the ball at the last minute, so i got to say that of course i would go, since i was actually already dressed up to go.
off we went to listen to weird and wonderful music, including chamber music in various forms, an 8-piece cello ensemble, a strange but unbelievably gorgeous acapella group accompanied by 8 saxaphone players, us scream-singing along to songs from rocky horror picture show and ending with lindy hop dancing to a big band swing orchestra until 3am. we chose to walk back, since it was cool out and had stopped raining. it was like zeno's paradox - the way home just kept getting longer and longer instead of shorter and shorter, and centa was wearing heels, and i was wearing my nice dancing shoes, and we were tired and have early mornings tomorrow, but we DID get home, and we had a wonderful time. would do it again!