Thursday, January 25, 2018

with Ilvy (293/365a)

The last week of ice-skating in the city center. We were picking up kids anyway, so we had Ilvy come along too. Three times her mother called me in the morning to make sure I understood that she REALLY couldn't ice-skate, and did I know that. Yup, I knew, I was fine, I was happy. Reminds me of David H. and his bicycle teaching to all the neighborhood kids, to the sounds of parents saying "he/she can't ride yet." 

She did fine. The funniest thing was she was falling all over the ice, doing simple things, but when she saw Felix fall down, she really truly skated over, helped him stand up (something she hadn't successfully done on her own yet) asked him if he was ok. He skated away just fine, and she fell over just standing there. Somehow when she wanted to help she forgot she didn't know how ;)

waiting for the ice to be polished and clean
Yummy vegan dinner, and right off to Nadja (Henry's cello teacher) and her sister's duo concert near Mariatrost. We stayed till half-time, Henry was already asleep, and Theodore was nodding off in the front row. I got to hear some Schulhoff, and some Kodaly, as well as the terrific H-H Passacaglia. cool! Off we went, in the car, through the parking lot, onto a small road, which got smaller, and then bumpier, and then smaller, and then... Ok, we're in a field now. I guess we'll turn around and go the other way. But now we get to see the church from the other side. Look at that!
from a different angle

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