Monday, January 22, 2018

auditions (?!?!) (290/365a)

An absolutely completely full Monday. Brian and I played switch hitters to each other, me practicing, brian taking felix to the dr. Nina came over for coffee. we walked together to get the kids. i took them to the library. went to pick up kindergarten kids. made dinner with henry. oversaw homework. made cookies with ronja and felix while henry and theodore were at choir. took all the kids ice-skating. took ronja home. put kids to bed. when andi came to watch them, they were all still up, but in a good happy place. we went off for our lindy audition (to see which class track we can be on) ... danced with  7 dancers to 30 seconds each of a fast and slow song, and then we peer reviewed each other, putting down a number from 0-10 on a little paper and moving on to the next dancer. it was quite exhausting. all the songs left us wanting more. then we came and philosophized heavily with andi until late. :)

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