Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Treasures and Days, Lost and Found (285/365a)

No yoga for me for a couple days now. I think it is weighing on my conscience. I don't know what Buddhists think of consciences, or guilt, I'm pretty sure zen + guilt don't jive, but I guess in my head they do?

 Henry was home now too, so sad he missed his whole class going ice skating. Nina came by, and braved the fever-house for a cappuccino. We stayed indoors and sketched and played, and ended the day with the first half of My Fair Lady. Brian had to work late, trying to finish something for his freelance gig, so I watched old pre-code movies by myself until Felix came to cuddle.

We worked up quite a gigantic store of papers and sketches, nearly all of which are destined for the recycling bin, but somehow the shear variety makes it hard to consider any one piece more trash than another.
sheets and sheets

ramblings of a crazy brain...

all of us helped

also any time i make something like this, they ask if i'm "copying" didi patz. point taken, it is in her style, but she also does it much better.
fish kissing. unfinished forever. 

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