Friday, January 26, 2018

still life (294/365a)

some days, i cry out inside for life to go by slower! "Be still, life!" Like today. Home with Felix all day, and every moment a jewel. He listened to a song about die Hagebutte (rosehips) and then ran outside with a pair of scissors (I told him *not* to run, but ... lets be honest, he ran anyways) and brought me a bouquet of them. We spend the morning ice skating together. Then the other kids joined us after school. Also Michi and her kids came to the last 40 minutes of iceskating.

Later Nina came over, and Felix got to show off his new gloves (I bought them yesterday for him and Henry and Ilvy, and another pair today for Theodore) and he got to chose first from three erasers she brought. When Brian got home from the kids classical concert (about modern music by living composers!) the bottle of champagne was pretty much gone. Too bad for him! :) The loaf of rye bread was still warm though, so he and the kids lucked out.
for mama

still life
theodore: i know why the rolltreppe (escalator) is called a rolltreppe. because it goes around on a band. the stairs make a big circle.
felix: everything goes in a circle. all the dirt goes around the sun.

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