Thursday, January 18, 2018

BREAD! FINALLY! (286/365a)

The perfect loaf after 25 years of practicing.
Pretty, soft, fluffy, moist (but not too moist, and not in a gross way), tender, chewy and seedy!

100%rye, fermented soughdough that rose without yeast, good flavor. 

i am so proud! :)

another sick day, except that Theodore was back in school, and I was in the mood to clean everything.

Henry was inspired to cook (he made pizza, and later in the evening, he told me he likes that cheese, but not melted! sigh!) ... Then I went out for lunch with Katja, to give her the cello part for the trios. I realized how very infrequently I make dates with people I don't know well. She's very cool, and I might get to Brandenburg 6 with her! I had breakfast for lunch, but i refuse to call it brunch, brunch means something different! She commented that I ate soft boiled eggs very strangely (peeling them and putting them on toast and covering them with salt and chives)...... what is it about me? why do i invite comment? am I really so weird?

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