Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happy Calm Day (278/365a)

I slept sooo late today.
Then Nina and I went on a wonderfully meandering walk in the hopes of finding coffee, and we were successful, enjoying some Tribeka caffeine, before work time. I was off to get the car and Felix, and home again, for homework and practicing for everyone. Abenteuerspielplatz was deserted - cold and drizzly scares off all but the most motivated. We were the only ones there outside. Yummy buckwheat waffles for dinner... Mmmmmm!

Cafe Erde with Manuela, where we got to sit on the floor and chat until they kicked us out, then a nice walk home. <3 :)

Mama: Do you miss Agnes?
Felix: No.
<10 minutes later>
Felix: What does it mean, to miss somebody?
Mama: To be sad that someone is not with you.
Felix: No. I am not sad Agnes isn't here. I'm always happy. they say "nomen est omen"

our view from our pillows on the floor

"If you sexist me I will feminist you."

the christmas tree is still lit at the market down the street
mirror picture with winter hats

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