Saturday, January 13, 2018

stir-crazy saturday (281/365a)

we were allowed to sleep till 11am! don't know what was happening in the house until then, but i'm sure it was all good ideas

I did awake to find a 3d paper sculpture of some ice-skaters. Nadja teaching Henry downstairs. and Felix preparing to make mushroom sauce (which he slaved over for a few hours, and then didn't eat or even try!!)

on paper-thin ice

washing mushrooms - are they clean enough?
putting a face on both sides of the paper marionette puppet
Ice-skating in the rain wasn't even enough to tire everyone. As Theodore pointed out, he has too many ideas to be able to fit them all into one day.

Well, you're right, Theodore! We can't possibly do everything we want to do, so we'll have to settle for half.

After the kids slept Brian waited patiently for me to finish recording and listening to myself (a good practice technique, even if it is a bit humbling!) play Bach tuned to A-415... eieee, as if playing in tune wasn't hard enough before... and then he waited patiently while i stalled and drank more water... and then he asked "are you still interested in yoga" and i said, i guessed so, and after thinking of a few more other things to do first... i finally did my yoga at 11:30pm ... i like the yoga habit, but i really don't like the habit of leaving it until it's very very very late - although it does make me sleep. (wie einstein. i mean, wie ein stein hahahahaha, still funny)

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