Friday, January 19, 2018

croissantini (287/365a)

A conversation from the end of the day:

Me: how do i find out how to make croissant diminutive in french?
Me: croissantje is dutch
Me: croissantlein is german
N: maybe croissette? ;) crocro? Croissou?

Me: ummm..........
Me: the rule seems to be
N: croisson?
Me: change the word, and add a suffix
Me: chat becomes minou
Me: so I think
Me: croissant should become....
Me: ......mraiffou
N: vraiment?
Me: maybe it needs an x
Me: croix-sonnet
N: Croixonette!
N: Okay i'll go to sleep now
Me: :) me too

Obviously, "what's in a name" is a lot of thought.

And "what's in a croissant" is a lot of butter :)

What a lovely Friday, spent doing completely luxurious baking, chatting, and just... being.

Theodore captures us being cute

1/2 butter 1/2 flour
In between waiting times, we baked a cake with so many cherries on it it had trouble rising. But we were too full with all our delicious food we couldn't eat any cake that night, so we'll just have to save it for tomorrow. 

We did other things too! We walked to a restaurant, where we were the only customers. We went grocery shopping (cherries!) ... we thought about painting, and talked about yoga. we watched videos. We stayed up late. We drank champagne. Nice work if you can get it. :)

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